Friday, May 31, 2013

Toga! Toga! Toga!!

For my 40th birthday party we recreated our youth.... fraternity toga party style!
The Greek letters we used for our "fake fraternity" were my initials.
Using picture easels kept the letters off the wall but still prominent.

Gotta have party favors!  What are they you ask?  Go Greek! panties... just in case you came without or left without your panties!  Opa!!
Greek letters on the mantel with  plenty of grapes for décor and of course bottles of Ouza for best costume prizes

 Old sorority pictures of me and my old college friends and a homemade paddle to make my china cabinet look like a sorority house cabinet
The backyard before the sun went down. 

Organizing the panties by sizes was key... greek key to be exact!  LOL!

Greek letters on the front of the house set the stage for the theme before the guests entered.  

Friday, March 8, 2013


Y'all only turn 6 once ya know!!
 the buffet table
 the hat station... "grab yer hat partner!"
 Picture Perfect
 Setting up the backyard as a saloon.  Check out the wood cut out cacti!
 Before the cowgirls and cowboys show up!
 the gift bags
 the rootbeer float station